Please note that these guides do not constitute legal advice and any information provided in the guides should not be construed as legal advice or legal interpretation. We do not accept any liability for any loss caused by your reliance on this guide.
Top 4 reasons to adopt a pet
1. You'll save a life
Sadly many unknown animals are euthanized each year in Ireland simply because too many people give up their pets and too few people adopt from pounds or rescue shelters.
The number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically if more people adopted pets instead of buying them.
By adopting cats or birds from a rescue centre or animal shelter, you'll help save the lives of two animals - the pet you adopt and a homeless animal somewhere who can be rescued because of space you helped free up.
2. You'll get a healthy pet
Animal shelters and welfare groups are brimming with happy, healthy animals just waiting for someone to take them home.
In addition to medical care, more and more shelters also screen animals for specific temperaments and behaviours to make sure each family finds the right pet for its lifestyle.
It is a common misconception that animals end up in shelters because they've been abused or done something "wrong". In fact, most animals are given to shelters because of "people reasons," not because of anything they've done. Things like unwanted litters of pups and kittens, a divorce, a move, lack of time or financial constraints are among the most common reasons why pets lose their homes and end up in pounds or shelters.
3. You'll save money
Adopting a pet from an animal shelter can be much less expensive than buying a pet. In addition, animals from many shelters are already spayed or neutered and vaccinated.
4. You'll feel better
Pets have a way of putting a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Not only do animals give you unconditional love, but they have been shown to be psychologically, emotionally, and physically beneficial. Caring for a companion animal can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment and lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups.
Pets can help your physical health as well - just spending time with an animal can help lower a person's blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and dog walking, pet grooming, and even petting provide increased physical activity that can help strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and slow the loss of bone tissue.
Put simply, pets aren't just good friends, they're also good medicine and can improve a person's well-being in many ways.
Best tips for adopting a pet in DoneDeal
- Contact your local SPCA or other recognised Animal Welfare Centre for tips and advice on adopting an animal.
- Meet with the DoneDeal user before agreeing to anything. We wouldn’t recommend adopting a pet from someone who is unwilling to let you see where the animal is living.
- Confirm that the pet is vaccinated and vet checked if applicable before viewing.
- If you are ever in doubt about an adoption, please contact your local SPCA or Animal shelter and they will assist you.
Guide to responsible pet ownership
DoneDeal encourages, where possible, that all pet owners have their animals vet checked, vaccinated and neutered.
If you are responding to a pet adoption offer from a private user, instead of a shelter, ask for as much information as possible about the animal’s history in terms of source, health records and behaviour. Ask for the veterinarian name that has treated the animal in the past and check with them for further details on the animal.
If you find any adverts that you suspect to be illegal or in breach of animal welfare laws, please contact your local authority, An Garda Siochana or the ISPCA. In Northern Ireland, please contact the USPCA.
For further information on Pet Adoption and Pet ownership on the following sites.