At DoneDeal we take our users' privacy and safety very seriously. Remember you can help keep DoneDeal safe by contacting us about anything you feel is suspicious.
These are just a few of DoneDeal's anti-phishing measures:
- We do not request your bank account or debit or credit card details in a phone call, text message, email or email newsletter/ezine/promotional email. We may direct you back to the Place an ad section. Read more on how to identify our payment's web page.
- When you place an ad and want people to contact you by email, you leave the tick box beside “No email responses for this ad” blank. This means anybody who contacts you through the DoneDeal website and any replies you send are within our safemail system which has been designed to keep DoneDealers safe.
- We advise that you do not give out your email address at any stage e.g. via text message, phone or from within the DoneDeal safemail system.
Read More about e-mail and phone safety measures added by DoneDeal.