Now that you have an account on DoneDeal, you can do so much in one place to manage all your various ads. Here is a list of your options in an account overview:
You can see the status of the ad listed under the photo. The options to manage your ads is to the right....i.e spotlight, edit, bump or withdraw.
Here are some quick links to explain your options:-
Edit, you can edit your ad for free while the ad is active on DoneDeal.
Bump up, you can bump your ad after two days to get it back to the top.
Spotlight, you can choose this promotional spot at the top of the search results.
Withdraw, you can withdraw your ad while your waiting to "seal the deal" .
Remove - this includes options to mark your ad as Sold or delete your ad altogether.
You can also view all your saved ads if you are watching items on the site: