Searching DoneDeal
With over 300,000 ads on DoneDeal at any one time it's super important that you can search and find the most relevant results for you. So really you need to use the search to best suit your needs.
If you want to just see everything for sale to hunt out a bargain? Then just navigate from the homepage using the "Everything for Sale" button, see below:
Alternatively, you could just type in a key word search, like "red dress" for example. You'll see then that it will return all the ads with reference to a red dress on the entire website. If you feel there are simply too many results it'll guide you to what was the most popular section the "red dress" appeared in. So, in the example below you'll see the most "red dresses" were placed in "women's clothes".
When you're looking for something really specific, it's best to try and look in an individual section where possible. We have tried to adapt the search to suit the items in this section. So, sticking to the "red dress" example, if you go into women's clothes specifically we allow you to refine your search further by "size" which we hope will help you find more suitable dresses faster!
Then if you want to sort this for your own preference you can see the cheapest items at the top or the newest ones... whichever works best for you. You're free to override it at any stage by selecting from the dropdown menu.
So, what's the difference between sort and refine?
You refine your search to find exactly what you’re looking for. A tip is to make sure that you’re in the right section to get the best possible refine options, especially if you’re browsing for something like cars that have a lot of specific refine options. If you’re browsing DoneDeal on a mobile or tablet, just press the refine icon and the refine panel will open on the screen.
You can sort your search results to view them in your preferred way. When you use a keyword search DoneDeal will give you the ads that best match your search term at the top. You can easily change this to match your preference. Chose between newest, best match or sort by price. Here you can also chose to see your search results in a list instead of the ad cards.
Saved Searches
To learn more about how to use our new "save search" feature click here