If you're looking for the option to edit/withdraw/remove/bump up/spotlight your ad from the ad page itself, this has now moved to My DoneDeal.
This means you don't have to search for your ad to manage it - you can find your ad easily in your Placed Ads once you are signed in to your DoneDeal account.
How to find and manage your placed ads in My DoneDeal
Do you need to mark your ad as sold? Or would you like to take it down temporarily?
Perhaps you need to edit it or bump it up to the top of the search results. Or perhaps it's time to Spotlight it.
Sign in
You can easily manage your ads by signing into your DoneDeal account using the email address and password you used when placing your ad.
(Don’t worry, if you’ve forgotten your password we’ll send you an email straight away to help you reset it.)
Go to My DoneDeal/My Ads and then click on Placed Ads to view and manage your ads that are live on DoneDeal.
Where to find your Placed Ads
Android app
- Press the Menu button on your phone
- Select My Ads
- Choose Placed Ads
- Press the three dots to the right of an ad to make changes
iOS apps
- Select My DoneDeal at the bottom of the screen
- Choose Placed Ads
- Press the three dots to the right of an ad to make changes
Mobile website
- Press the menu button on the top right
- Select My Ads
- Choose Placed Ads
- Press the three dots to the right of an ad to make changes
Desktop website
- Select My DoneDeal at the top of the screen
- Choose Placed Ads
- Click the option you want on the ad you want to change
Edit/Bump up/Withdraw/Remove/Spotlight
In Placed Ads you can choose
- Edit (change details of your ad)
- Bump up (put your ad back to the top of the search results)
- Withdraw (hide your ad temporarily eg if you're in negotiations with a buyer)
- Remove (remove it or mark as sold on DoneDeal)
- Spotlight (in certain sections)