To stay up to date about new ads that match your criteria on DoneDeal, you can save any search and receive notifications by email.
To set up a saved search, follow these steps:
- Search for the item you are interested in, e.g. cycling
- Ensure your results are relevant by further refining your search, e.g. road bike
- Click on save search
- Choose whether you want to receive daily, instant alerts or would prefer not to receive any alerts*
- Click save search to register your search
*Instant alerts will only be available for more refined searches
Once you have set up your saved search you can choose to receive daily notifications, instant alerts or choose not to be notified about any new ads.
Daily Alerts
You will receive a daily email & push notification alerting you to new ads that match your search criteria.
Instant Alerts
You will receive an email & push notification as soon as an ad matching your criteria has been uploaded. If this is too many, you can reduce this by refining your search.
Managing Your Alerts
Click on saved searches within your DoneDeal profile to manage your alerts. Here, you can change the frequency of your alerts or choose to turn off notifications.
If your search criteria changes or you've found what you're looking for, you can delete your saved search via your DoneDeal account dashboard, simply click on the X and it will be deleted instantly.