Here at DoneDeal, one of our goals is to provide a national online marketplace where practically anyone can trade practically anything! While DoneDeal has created a unique online marketplace, it is our community of users who build this very dynamic and robust trading environment. As part of our goal, we are committed to help protect the intellectual property rights of rights owners and to providing our users with a safe and enjoyable place to buy and sell.
For this reason, DoneDeal has created the Verified Intellectual Property Partners (VIPP) program so rights owners can report listings that infringe their rights. Any person or company who holds intellectual property rights (such as a copyright, trademark or patent) which may be infringed by listings or items sold on DoneDeal is encouraged to participate in this partnership - VIPP.
In addition, we believe that by providing information and guidelines to our community of users, everyone can contribute to help building a safe and reliable marketplace. In cooperation with rights owners, DoneDeal will work to develop and enforce policies and procedures for protecting intellectual property.
About VIPP
We have been very keen to introduce this partnership opportunity to build relationships with any company with Intellectual Property Managers.
How to join?
It is fast and simple to join the DoneDeal VIPP (Verified Intellectual Property Partners) Program. We simply require that you fill out the VIPP Application Form. As soon as we have confirmed these details we will ensure you have a point of contact with in our Support Team here at DoneDeal.